q:arc Architektur | Design
Jakubeit & Rapp Partner Architekten mbB

Sparkasse Lüneburg intends to convert and redesign its main branch at An der Münze 4-6 and the adjoining building at Waagestraße 2 for sustainable and future-proof use. We were awarded 3rd place in the two-stage, non-public competition. Our innovative contribution specifically explores the possibilities of conservation and re-use approaches. We congratulate the winner.

Building with existing structures: A new perspective
Congratulations to Forum Baukultur Lüneburg e.V. for this fantastic symposium.
In the auditorium of the Oberschule am Wasserturm, which was packed to the last seat, the participants experienced three exciting keynote speeches with great inspirations and innovative solution proposals.
Subsequently, Robert Marlow and Maja Lucht expanded upon a dense discourse on architectural culture, moderated and enriched with facts by Reiner Nagel.
About the careful treatment of monuments, circular planning and construction, to low-tech solutions with common sense, the new remodeling regulations and building type E - a broad spectrum of topics was presented here.
More of this, please!

The Forum Baukultur invites you to a symposium with a panel discussion.
We are looking forward to:
Winfried Brenne, Brenne Architekten, B:
Future-oriented building in existing buildings
Kim Le Roux, LXSY Architects, B:
Circular building, upcycling, re-use
Maja Lucht, Head of Building Management, Hanseatic City of LG: The challenge of existing buildings
Volkmar Bleicher, Transsolar, S:
Innovative climate concepts and efficient technology in buildings
Robert Marlow, President AKNDS:
Focus: New conversion regulations
Moderation: Reiner Nagel,
Federal Foundation for Building Culture, Potsdam
Register now: forum.baukultur@leuphana.de

Building must become more sustainable. Recycling building materials helps to conserve natural resources, avoid waste and thus reduce our ecological footprint. Circularity in construction should therefore become the norm, and not just in the field of heritage conservation.
With this in mind, the old roof tiles of the stable building were carefully and cautiously covered. They were then blasted and cleaned in the self-built holding device so that they could be reused later.

Curing old sins
... or how the wrong mortar can cause damage to timber framing.
In the 1950s, the compartments were lined with simple red bricks using cement mortar. The poor moisture-dissipating properties of the cement mortar is not to be recommended for half-timbered buildings.
The old compartments are now being demolished and professionally refilled with dry ice-cleaned stones from a former barn using the correct clay-shell lime mortar.
Not just right, but also more beautiful!

Furniture construction II
A successful self-experiment, we think!
The self-built concrete block gives the kitchen a special touch. Honest materials, clear colors and shapes define the architecture of the small semi-detached house in Reppenstedt.
Are you looking for a temporary home...?