Doubly sustainable
Doubly sustainable
Two-family house in timber frame construction

Tradition modern interpretiert
In Anlehnung an die Bauweise der Siedlerhäuser aus den 1950er Jahren fügt sich das Zweifamilienhaus mit seinem traditionellen Satteldach, Ziegelfassade und Holzverschalung in die gewachsene Struktur des Ortskerns ein.
Scharfkantig mit versteckter Dachrinne geht die vorgehängte Ziegelfassade nahtlos ins Dach über, in welche sich die PV Anlage flächenbündig integriert. Der klar gefasste Rahmen betont die holzverschalten Giebel in dunklem grau und leitet zu den Eingängen der jeweiligen Doppelhaushälften.
Fertiggestellt 2023
Status completed |
Category Residential construction |
Location Reppenstedt |
Size 190 qm |
Phases 1 bis 8 |
Time Scale 2021 - 2023 |

Great importance was attached to planning, building and operating the house in an energy-saving manner. Even the compact simplicity of the building structure, its orientation and the arrangement of the rooms contribute significantly to energy efficiency. In combination with a geothermal heat pump and photovoltaic system with battery storage, the house supplies itself with energy and also becomes an electricity supplier.
There is no need for a ventilation system, as optimum window ventilation has been designed into all rooms. Plenty of daylight ensures solar heat gains in winter, while intelligently controlled external textile screens provide the necessary transparent shading in summer.
Underfloor heating provides pleasant warmth in winter and cooling in summer.
The semi-detached house was certified and subsidized in accordance with the KfW 40EE standard.
Circular and CO²saving

The ability to dismantle buildings by type is the basis for circular construction. The house becomes a recycling center. The clay tile façade and roof cladding can also be dismantled according to type, the same applies to the aluminum substructure and the wooden cladding of the gables.
Domestic timber wood as construction material for walls, ceilings and roof as well as for the entire wood insulation bind CO² and can also be separated and processed further.
Precise detailed planning and innovative ideas avoid unnecessary waste. Falling lengths of the timber cladding with all sections being processed create a special design quality. The roof and façades are planned in detail exactly to the tile dimensions in order to minimize waste.
Sustainability is therefore also an aesthetic strategy and quality!
and flexible

The room-high solid wood wall element hides behind the bookcase or separates the study and guest room if required.

Flexible floor plans with minimal circulation areas allow rooms to be added so that the living space can be individually adapted. Accessibility is integrated from the outset to ensure comfortable use for all age groups.
The reduction of living space in old age has also been taken into account. With these approaches, we create sustainable, future-proof living spaces that adapt to the changing needs and life phases of the residents.

Space for
the Art
Honesty of materials and reduction create the atmosphere of the building and the interior spaces. A simple and clear design language and clean details emphasize the effect of the rooms, guiding the eye and directing movement.
Authentic materials such as exposed screed, wood, glass, brick and light fabric curtains are characteristic and offer haptically appealing surfaces. By reducing the use of color, we create a calm environment in which the client's art can be shown to its best advantage.

Images: bildhübsche fotografie - Andreas Körner -
Construction site images: Johannes Jakubeit